Monday, September 22, 2008

Maya is 2!

On Tuesday, September 9th, Maya turned a big 2 years old! We had a great week of fun and celebration.

To celebrate Chile's Fiestas Patrias (18th of September), Maya danced the cueca with her classmates from "The Happy House", her little school.

The next day we returned to share the joy of Maya's birthday with her amiguitos. Kay made an amazing 3 layer cake that everybody enjoyed.

Finally, when we got home we got to unwrapping the gifts. From Daddy, Maya got some new shoes. From Mommy, a toy stroller to take her baby dolls around. And from both Grandmas some new clothes!

Speaking words in Spanish and English, learning new things everyday, jumping, running and playing; we're so proud of our big 2 year old! Happy Birthday Maya!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Trip to Concepción

We had a great time a couple of weeks ago traveling south to Concepción to visit the small church there. In April, we sent out from Santiago an incredible couple, Patricio and Daisy, to the small mission church. They are working part time for the church and are doing an incredible job there. Carolina was baptized about a month ago and has brought joy and encouragement to the group. We are so proud of Pato and Daisy and the church. It is so great to know that they are fighting "with all his energy"(Col 1:28) for Concepción.