A few weeks ago we went down to Sarasota, FL to be a part of a very special occasion - Joe Bruno's wedding. It was a long time coming, but it was an amazing event. The wedding was held on the beautiful white sands of Sarasota right as the sun was setting over the Gulf of Mexico. Here's a picture of Joseph and Sam Bruno right after they were pronounced husband and wife.
So, Saturday, June 9th was a great day because of the wedding. But little did we know that God had a great surprise in store for June 10th.
In Acts 8, we read the story of Philip and the Ethiopian. Philip is directed by the Holy Spirit to run up to a chariot. As he does, he meets the rider, explains the good news about Jesus and then baptizes the Ethiopian and goes on his way.
On Saturday while I was preparing for the wedding with Bruno, one of our friends Caroline Sofarelli asked Kay if she could come and study the Bible with her mom Tina. Tina lives in Alaska and was only down for that week to spend time with Caroline. Since we were going to be there anyways and Kay had helped Caroline become a Christian, Kay gladly said yes. After about three hours of studying the Bible with Kay and Caroline, Tina saw her need for God and decided she wanted to be baptized. Kay encouraged her to think and pray about it some more and call us in the morning.
Sunday morning we got up and Caroline called us to tell us that her mom wanted to get baptized. So we drove just a little north of Sarasota to another great beach. We met Tony and Caroline along with Tina. After a brief time of talking and sharing scriptures, Tina confessed Jesus as Lord of her life and was baptized.
Now Tina is back in Alaska worshiping God and rejoicing in her new found salvation. Praise be to God!
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